Anonymous-Dudes Really Long Flames!
Okay, these used to be on the long flames page, but they took up most of that page by themselves...
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What happened to all the first flames/replies?
Well, you see...
One day I decided to move them from the Long Flames Page to here...
I stuck them in Notepad...
I closed Notepad...
I pushed "don't save" without thinking...
Bleh! A whole bunch of perfectly stupid flames gone to waste!
Oh well, here's the one I hadn't replied to yet... If you haven't seen the other ones you won't know what we're talking about... *shrug* Not like anyone woulda wanted to read them all anyways...
Last One So Far
"That pretty much says the same thing I did."
Yeah, but I'm talking about the spelling. It's romaji, not romanji, just as it's Amerikajin, not Amerikanjin
From the FAQ:
"The "real" theme song is better:
So? The show's still the same. Usually I'm away getting something to drink during the theme song."
That's not the point. I don't care what anyone does during the opening theme. The point is that you cannot blame Sailor Moon for the "never runs from a real fight" crapola.
My Reply:
Gees, you shoulda just said that outright! I didn't even notice you were spelling it different!
And regarding the theme song-- I won't get into another squabble, but take a look at the "Why I Like Dubs" page. I changed that part a bit a long time ago, but forgot to upload it...
Oh, and as to the replies to that form... Right here. Most are from AFTER I changed the wording, btw.
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