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July 20th 2001:
...If you don't like Sailor Moon why are you wasting your time talking about how much you hate it? I asume you just love teletubies and that idiotic dork in the blue suit and yellow underwear on the outside I think his name was super man. And if you don't like it this much then why do you know so much about it? IMO I think you love the show.
My Reply:
I like teletubies and Superman a heckuva lot better than Sailor Moon. And yeah, of course I love Sailor Moon, whatever could possibly make you think otherwise?
July 20th 2001:
Alrighty. I just took a look at the flames you got, and they look the same. So, this is going to be different. I really hate your page. I'm obviuosly an SM fan...and I like Gundam Wing...especially DeathScythe Hell Custom... Anyway. The worst (or best, in your favor) would be the Anti-Manga page...>.< . Weeeeeeell. I would like to suggest a splash page, that says clearly in h2 font that if you can't handle someone elses opinions, leave, and don't look back. On this splash page, I suggest a large Picture of Duo Maxwell and the Deathscythe Hell (so...I'm a fangirl)
Lurve (or hate),
Dorothy Catalonia
PS. Did you make the background yourself? Very nice. Clever too.
PPS. E*mail @ ******@***.edu. If your going to post this on your page, please x my e*mail address out.
My Reply:
People who can't handle other people's opinions really shouldn't be on the internet in the first place. BTW glad you like my backgrounds!
July 24th 2001:
This site is ok. I've seen better.
[new message]
You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.You suck.Y . . . [lots more]
[new message]
So what if Sailor Moon sucks. No one cares. Anyway it's not even on the air
[new message]
Wow you also must be talented as you can draw red x's on hearts.
My Reply:
Thank you, thank you, yes it is, and thank you.
August 7 2001:
If you hate Sailor Moon so much, why did you bother making a site
about them? Going through all that trouble for a show you don't
even like, everybody has there views about everything, and different
opinions. I'm not telling you what to do, just asking why go through
the trouble?
I like to.
[new message]
I looked under Acceptable Anime, and over half the shows you have
in there aren't even Anime. The correct definition of Anime is a
cartoon created in Japan, and dubbed by another country (or US,
blah blah blah.)
Yeah, I hear that one all the time. That's why it's such a popular definition.
And what's with the *evil religion section* it's a
show for christ's sake!
It's a site, for Christ's sake! Do you even know what adultery means? It
means a lot more than just *in love with someone who's married*
However, "in love with someone who's married" IS one definition, and does occur in Sailor Moon.
and Reeni (the correct spelling) is a little young for that nonsense.
You'd think, eh? That's why it's so repulsive.
[new message]
Oh I can see a lot of cracks you'll make about this one.
You mean this blank one?
[new message] I couldn't help but notice that in the flame sagas how you just took
what people said about the anti-mooners and turned it around,
are you running out of ideas, or does it just sound good to you?
However often truth it repeated, it is still truth.
And if you hate bad drawings of anime, why do you settle for even
worse drawn characters from other shows? Such as Dexter's
Laboratory, mentioned in Acceptable Anime. Who on earth looks
like that?
So? I like it, it is part of my culture which is western, not Japanese, and the show actually has some good humour.
Don't even make a wise crack about this post, just answer
the questions, or are you mentally unable to do such a challenging
When the flamer is mentally challenged, wise cracks are really the only available answers.
And don't even start on, "Well, who on earth would have eyes
that big, or have been born with green hair, or wair their hair in
And I said that when?
The japanese did that on purpose for the sake of humor
and they envy american eyes, Suckahs! so they made their characters with the
unusually large eyes. So if it isn't too much trouble, just answer the
[new message]
Yes you are soooo mature putting up an anti-page. Thank you, you're even more mature for flaming an anti-page. If you are
wondering what I'm referring to, it's the intro to your eternal flame
pit. That's all? Why do you have your site on anipike under sailor moon
anyways? It's for PRO Sailor Moon Sites. Says who? Mine isn't the only anti-SM site! Don't even say *well you
don't expect me to put it under, DBZ,*or some other anime/manga*
do you?* Yeah, that'd've been a good one. Just answer the question. Some people have too much
time on there hands. I wish I had more time. Some advice, you can use all that extra time
to try growing up. *bgrrrn* *rrnrg* I keep pushing, but I'm just not getting any bigger!
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