************************************************ This webmistress at least HAS brains, I used to like Sailor Moon, well the first six epsiodes. And all u moonies out there, if u don't like this site 1) You shouldn't be on it 2)What is the point of all em flame emails? It ain't gonna change nothin 3) Get the hell outta here. ************************************************ Loser! (them, not Miewth) ************************************************ you should shut up and get a life. miewth has a right to her own opinion, just like you, and i don't see how you could possibly care enough about sailor moon to spend this much time and brain cells (i have a feeling you have a precious few left) trying to tell off someone who could care less about you, your opinion, and your cause. get a life. make an anti-miewth site if you have to. =~=clair ************************************************ Um. . .listen. I really think you ought to give it a rest. No matter what you say, it is not going to change Miewth's mind about anything, just like eveyrthing _she's_ replying back is obviously not changing yours. And no matter how many random arguments you pull out of who-knows-where to defend random comments of yours, you really do sound like you're making no sense. You appear as if you keep changing your mind (probably what Miewth meant by 'hypocritical'), you accuse Miewth of things that she OBVIOUSLY did not do or say, or of things you have nothing to back your accusations up with. You're coming off as annoying and as someone who flings around empty, pointless, and rather dumb-sounding arguments and accusations just for the sake of a 'good' rant against someone who says things which you might not happen to like, and you won't listen to any of the mostly reasonable and logical counter-arugements Miewth writes back. I guess that's all I have to say right now. E-mail me if you want; I won't mind a bit. ~R. girl jemmie12@hotmail.com (Flame me; I don't care, I like e-mail. Doesn't really matter what kind.) ************************************************ the both of you are fucking morons. ************************************************ this person is exactly like Kim. I know, because i'm kim's friend. *gasp* she/he should get his/her own asylum ************************************************ Now, I love Sailor Moon, and I think that person is an idiot. I would never (okay, maybe I would) send someone an email telling them their site sucks. It's just stupid. You don't like the site, go find another one. As I said before, I love Sailor Moon, but looking at Anti Sites is kinda fun. Although they usually have reference to the dub... ************************************************ Miewth, I think that the other person is an idiot, and that you should just ignore him/her/it. ************************************************ I think that the flamer is either suffering from year-long PMS or has a naturally shrewish personality. I can only assume that this person is a bitter, scorned individual whose prime focus in life seems to be winning an arguement where every time she states her case, she only brings on more torment. Coupled to this is the fact that the said moonie seems to be trying to pass off trivia as intelligence. Oy vey. ************************************************ The flamer is an idiot. I read all the flames and the replies and I have to say I agree with Miewth. ************************************************ you are a retard ppl who flame (yet not burn!) poor Miewth! You arent getting anywhere doing that! SM sux! MOST anime rulz! You can't change that! So get it thru your head! Just because YOU like something doesnt mean no one else does too! ************************************************ the person who sent you the e-mails should crawl in a hole and die a gay dumb death of looking at porno of britney spears. P.S i love this site! and my sis watches sailor moon subtitled i hate it pls help me ************************************************ i didnt mean you miewth i mean the person who sent you this letter SHE SUCKS ************************************************ Okay, you know what? I'll bet that the flamer is being sent to an asylum, either now or very soon. A.K.A. The flamer is an idiot, and no precious time should be spent aguing with it. ************************************************ this loser who keeps sending you useless flames with useless big words is a total dumb ass! Uno. Don't think that you're the only one with ...a large and intelectual vocabulary that tends to lead minds down a misleading understanding of your pointless rebuttals which consequently makes people think of the false conclusion... stop it! And this links with my next point. YOU're jealous of miewth or whoever her name is. and no i'm NOT making a groundless assumption because with the encyclopaedic length of letters you wrote, you might as well scream out that you're jealous. you try to be as sarcastic as miewth when you're not. you try to be smarter than her but you're not cos smart people won't waste their time on a letter TRYING to piss a webmistress off! and this whole acronym crap is stupid. how did a debate about sailor moon bring in IUD's??? you're a lost case! get over the amytail shit...no one gives two hoots about it get over trying to contradict miewth. she's as stubborn as you are. you get the picture :) and get over your long long flames. but don't worry, i haven't totally sided with miewth. she said that you weren't funny. i think you are. you're attempts to piss someone off when it backfires in your face is side splittingly funny!!! -»f@kè*§mï£è®« ps, miewth, in future reference, it's R-O-M-A-J-I not R-O-M-A-N-J-I. person-that-writes-long-flames WAS right thank you and have a nice day everyone! *bows and leaves* ************************************************ Maybe you should try to watch Sailor Moon.Who knows if you will like it a lot. My sister used to hate it, but when she wathed it again she liked it. Even my brothers liked it. So I think you really should try watching. You might even liked it.