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YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Reply:
Now, there is a very important lesson you should learn, and it is called "speaking for yourself." Using this technique, you can avoid embarassing others.
Flame A:
you suck
My Reply:
Flame B:
you need help
My Reply:
...can do...
Flame C:
only stupid people make anti sites
My Reply:
Flame D:
lalala,this site sucks!!!!!!la da da la da dee la dee la da da
My Reply:
Flame E:
mother fucker!!!
My Reply:
Do I know you?:
They must've sent me a flame before or something... I think they sent Fight Pickin.'
u fucking asshole how could u not like SM? oh & i told u to e-mail me didn't i? yes SO DO IT!!! princess_xxx@yahoo.com i want to talk to u >:(
oh 1 other thing do u like crappy ass pokemon let me tell ya buddy its over stupid ass
My Reply:
People who continually try to start fights are always amusing, aren't they?
And really now, does Pokémon have anything to do with this site, or are you just trying to start a fight over that too? Calm yourself, little one...
uhhh....this site sucks!!! it should be better!!!
My Reply:
Your flame should be better!
You are a sad, strange little person. See a psychiatrist very soon. Some people just don't appreciate the beauty of love.
My Reply:
Whereas others don't appreciate the beauty of hate...
Closet Fan:
I think you have a problem... do you have a problem accepting the fact that you actually like Sailor Moon, and since you devote soo much time denying it and spending time on a site like this.. you must be some kind of closet fan?
My Reply:
I think that you have a problem accepting the fact that I don't like Sailor Moon. Y'know, 'cause you spent soooo much time writing that insightful little flame.
I'm sure you get a lot of these, considering there are more Sailor Moon fan sites than Anti Sailor Moon sites. Okay, for someone who hates something you sure spend a lot of time for something you hat, and you seem to know a lot about it. Plus, if you had a favorite anime show(which i doubt since you like to dislike more than like obviously from this webpage) would you want everything to go wrong? would you want the badguys to appear somewhere else so you're fav characters can die along with the rest of the world when it is taken over? would you not like to have a little romance, which is probably no since you have to spend so much time disliking, how could you love someone, you'd be to busy pointing out the bad things about them. My point is finished. And I'm not going to say Amen either, because frankly the phrase is worn out and I'm not christian, but guess what? I don't have an anti christian webpage just because i hate it.
My Reply:
My favourite anime is Blackjack. Things go wrong all the time, and fortunatly there is hardly ever even a hint of romance.
And I'm not sure what you're saying about "amen," a phrase I used about once.
you know if you really hated Sailor Moon, then you probably wouldn't have spent so much time making an anti Sailor Moon page. Shows what you really think of life. I fyou had any kind of life you wouldn't spend it hating. Why don't you try dedicating a site to something you like, not dislike. You seem to spend a lot of time dedicated to something you hate so much. If you don't like it, don't worry about it. You don't have to waste time(like this website)on something you don't like. Just a little advice. If you don't like my advice, why don't you make a webpage out of it!!!!
My Reply:
Aaargh! The third person in a row who thinks I actually like Sailor Moon and doesn't understand the point of dedicating a site to something I hate! Read the FAQ, people!
That's Right, Stupid!:
ok, i kind of agree on some of your reasons for hating sailor moon. i mean, the show is the same thing over and over, but that not what i wanted to talk about. i just wanted to note on your roman warriors or roman soldier things on your pages. here's a whiplash for you. roman warriors, soldiers, WHATEVER THE CRAP THEY ARE, ARE STUPID! yes, that's right! STUPID! so, if you put those there because you like them then you're the one that needs to be saved, NOT moonies! thank you.
My Reply:
Um, if you're talking about the Gundam Wing pics... Whoo-wee, what a thing to complain about. Little pictures on the front page which aren't related to anything... Somebody enjoys complaining a little too much.
Dear Retard:
Dear Retard,
I hate you. I hat u soooooooooo much. Your site is great though. For one reason. That is: the wonderful comments to you in the pit of eternal flames. As for your reasons of hating SM, hmmmmmm.... let me think. THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First of you use the dub names, so this implies you think the dub is bad, which it is. So you should really say that the SM dub is bad not the original. Second, also you said you saw the original and it was the same as the dub. News flash B%$#H: YOUR WRONG!!!!!! Zoisite being female in the dub and male in the original. Yeah, sure, that's the same *SARCASM* Ok, enough bashing. I do luv the obnoxious pics of Usagi (whoops, you only know the dub names, sorry) are very funny. They don't seem to be anti-SM to me. Ok, that was too nice, back to the bashing. Gundamn SUX!!! (yes, Gundamn, cuz it should be damned to hell) Ok, dats enuff.
My Reply:
The sub is the same story as the dub, even with transvestite characters. Gundam has nothing to do with this site.
Oh well, thanks for helping to make this site a better place.
Various Arguments:
My replies in orange...
Now look. In your page on "why is Sailor Moon so dumb", you put transformation part. Well there was an episode, where some sort of enemy, attacked Sailor Moon before she could transform.
Well, that goes to show what all the other enemies are missing out on... And that also shows that they DO know who she is when she's not "Sailor Moon."
Your second question was how come no one recognizes Sailor Moon as Serena? Well who is Serena? A girl who eats sleeps and shops. Who never does her homework, who falls asleep in class. How can someone like her possibly be Sailor Moon.
Maybe because of her face...
And most of the time victims of the enemy don't see her.
Molly did.
Skimpy Battle-Suit. Why do they need Armour when they got magical powers? When they can jump 18 feet into the air?
Because they get hurt...
Stupid Villains. Many villains could have landed at some other town or city, but Sailor Moon and Scouts can use Teleport, and they will be in that place.
So since they just might be caught in another country they decide to go for the suicide mission in Tokyo?
And another reason is that enemies want to destroy Sailor Scouts, and get it over with and be heroes in their evil world.
While their main goal is to collect energy...
Subject: Your Sick
Your a sick fuck to say that about Sailor Moon. You will get whats coming to
you when I write to Naoko.
Sailor Moon
My Reply:
Yeah, well you just wait 'till I write to God.
Ghost Letter:
From: "Seiya Hill"
Subject: about your sailor moon anti-site
I have a lot of questions answers and complaints, so get ready
why did you stop liking Sailor Moon? People probably like the Japanese version better, because the English version cuts out a lot of the action like the slapping, the cursing, and so forth. It is not a kiddie show, because it was actually made for young adults like teens, not six year olds. Now it might be a kiddie show, because the Americans here thought it was too violent! I personally think that DBZ is very stupid, because they fly without any gears or anything. The only reason I'm going on any anti-sites for Sailor Moon is because I want to try to make them understand that they shouldn't hate it like you do, I am the person who plays Seiya/Sailor Star Fighter in the Japanese Sailor Moon eternal episodes make Sailor Moon. What I don't understand is why you stopped liking the show, I know the costumes are a little skimpy, but Nanako tried her best, you should respect that I am probably twice as old as you, but that doesn't change anything. Usually people don't care about what you think about it, they think you are just a self absorbed jerk that NEEDS to grow up, I know making websites are a thrill but anti sites are ridiculous, They're stupid and the site reflects back to the person who made it.
My Reply:
It's interesting that, if I've understood you correctly, you claim to be the voice actor for Sailor Star Fighter in the Japanese version of Sailor Moon. You know, from what I heard, the voice actor is a lady named Niiyama Shiho. She died last year.
From: "Prince Diamond =)"
Subject: Re: your website
uh hmm hmm....look you little ass fuckin cunt! its people like you that make
sailor moon look like crap! i mean, your page is sooooo fuckin STUPID and a
total waste of space and time! you must have NO LIFE if you're gonna just
make fun of work that u cant even fucking dream of making! oh man!...if
naoko takeuchi saw ur gay ass lil page, she would spit on it with
hatefulness! i hope you fuckin die in hell and if you got a problem with
this message...EAT MY SHIT AND DIE IN HELL (with your fucking stupid family
too)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muw hah ah hahahah >D *cough *queer!* cough* bye bye
whore!!!!!!!!! ^^
My Reply:
Dear Prince Diamond,
Take that message you wrote, replace the word "Sailor Moon" with "Moonies" and the word "page" with the word "flame," and see what comes up...
Four Different Ones:
From: LoZGoddessNayru
Subject: sm
Sailor moon is cool don't hurt peoples feeling because they like sailor moon,
But I guess your not a true anime fan if you have to hurt one show because
you don't like it. I'm 16 and I love sailor moon and all anime. Dragon Ball
doesn't appeal to me but I don't hate it! So don't be such a jerk!!!!
Subject: Bastard
mannnnn how can you be so cruel, what ever people say you make fun of it! I
love Sailor Moon and screw you! Like I said Anima fans like all anime to some
extent or they at least respect it! But you just hurt peoples feelings and
make them feel bad! Maybe you should get a like other that hurting peoples feelings!
Subject: so you
Your female but most of your shows you hate are girl impowering shows.... so
let me see you like to be weak and only thought of as a sex object. ["Miewth the Sex Object!" Ha ha...] Sailor
Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wedding Peach, and Saint Tail
all have powerful females and most are drawn by females if you really liked
anime you wouldn't hate these animes I dislike Gundam,Dragonball, Pokemon,
and Digimon. But I respect people who like them it's there opinion. You I
can't respect. You poke fun at people who like Sailor Moon and the only anime
you like is not like sailor moon. Maybe thats where all the Anti-shoujo shows
come into play. You don't enjoy female oriented shows with powerful females.
You seem to like Male oriented shows with weak or just not around females.
Maybe you should look inside yourself and relize that people feelings get
hurt when they see your site and you should just wake up and relize this.
My Reply:
You think I'm against females, however, you are judging another female just because her tastes in entertainment don't follow the traditional "girly-show" route. Shame on you, you sexist!
its not shameful to like sailor moon bitch
My Reply:
I'll betcha that 40-year-old guy who walks around town unshaven in a see-through dress and yellow wig doesn't think what he's doing is shameful, either.
From the Same Guy:
gundam sucks you boob
go eat gundam shit
all anime is great! Sailor moon rules bitch you try to turn people away from anime and sailor moon!
My Reply:
Who! Look who's a walking contradiction! You're special.
Really Loud:
[Sunday, October 21st 2001]
YOUR SITE FUCKING SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [plus an entire page of !'s]
My Reply:
Hope you didn't skip church today to type all those exclamation marks.
Well, it's a Letter:
[My replies like this.]
hi! i think that your anti-website is so dumb i mean no one cares if you like the show or not!!!
[I care.]
and you dont have to go make up some stupid website to show the hole world that u dont like
sailor moon
[I don't have to, I want to.] think of how many kids might see this and you might be
making them upset dont you care? [No, I have no pity for anyone who's that hyper-sensitive.] or are you just a cold hearted
bitch?? [C'mon, if they get upset because of my site, they're unlikely to live to be thirty.] well i love the show and i think it is tottaly awesome and
darien is one fine guy for a cartton....si why dont you just go and
leave all us moonies and the sailor scouts along with tuxedo mask
alone okay!?!?! [I am leaving you alone. You came to me.] and do something useful with your time instead of
this shit well i gotta book it
see ya later bitch
My Replies like THIS this time! I'll become consistent eventually...
This site is extremely SAD. You're wasting your time with excellent HTML skills to make an ANTI-something site.
Why should I waste my HTML skills on a NOT anti-something site?
Sailor Moon happens to be my favourite anime, but that's not the issue.
Oh, I think it is...
WHy don't you do something productive with your time, like read a book,
I'm currently halfway through Crime and Punishment or at least make a website on something you actually LIKE. But I DO like making fun of things!
Might I also add that you hate all the GOOD anime. So you're saying your opinions on the subject are more valuable than mine.
Get a life. Make a site about something you like, and stop dissing us moonies just because you disagree with us. I don't hate you, hell, I don't even know you. But anyone who makes a site about something they hate is an idiot, in my opinion, and in many others'. Well, in my opinion, anyone who can't appreciate the value of poking fun at Sailor Moon is an idiot.
My Reply:
Watch out, some bumper sticker manufacturer probably isn't very happy right now.
I'm Sorry:
I'm sorry, you have so serious issues. Sailor Moon is supose to be entertainment, if you don't like it, fine, keep it to yourself. Bringing the Bible into all this is just plain stupid. It's just a show that is made to entertain kids and some young adults who accutally HAVE a sence of humor, unlike you, as I see. I mean hey, to each his own. But keep the Bible out of this, I think you need some serious help, whoever you are
My Reply:
I'm sorry, you have some serious issues. Anti Sailor Moon the Page is supposed to be entertainment, and if you don't like it, fine, keep it to yourself. Bringing your awful spelling into this is just plain stupid. It's a website that is meant to entertain kids and young adults who actually have senses of humour, unlike you, I see. I mean, hey, to each his own method of using the English language. But keep bad spelling out of this, because those kids are learning from you. I think you need some serious "homework help," whoever you are.
ALL They Can Say:
From same person who wrote above message.
All I can say is you must have been really bord to make this page....oh and no where on the top of your page does it say this page is a joke. So, sorry to burst your bubble, you never put that in there. Ja'ne!
My Reply:
Sorry to burst your bubble, but on the top of the very Bible page you were just complaining about, it says, and I quote, "Please don't take me seriously, this is just for fun..."
I'm Sweet:
I'd just like to say that you are such a "sweet person" to make such an awful stupid site about Usagi. Why do I say such things? Becuase it is nonsense that you made a page like this. Your silly comments, rants, whatever the hell you call them sucks! Of course it's your own opinion but it's still a stupid site you put up for fun! So I pity you for making yourself look stupid. (LOL)
My Reply:
And you don't think you're making yourself look stupid?
Ho-Hum Returns:
This is from Sparkling Queen Galaxy. I sent you one before. It's on page three at the bottom. And, yes, I did use your stupid name generator or whatever you call it. Only because I don't want to give my real name. Anyway, that reply you gave was really dumb. I would think even YOU could come up with something better! I hate your stupid guts and I hate your site. Oh, and why do you call everyone that writes to you, shallow? I think YOU'RE the one that's shallow! What do you have to say about that? By the way, what's with your email address? miewth?! What's that? Maybe, for the sake of everyone and yourself, you should shut down this site! I hope you do. That's all!
My Reply:
I'm glad to know that your world is small enough to accomodate only real names and generated names. So anyways, you're saying it's NOT shallow to hate someone because of their cartoon preference? Well, I once hated a guy just because he wore an unlicensed Calvin and Hobbes shirt to school...
Don't Remember What it's Added To:
Might I add something? Pedophilia is NOT an issue. Ever heard of "love knows no age, love knows no gender"? I know a couple who are 30 years apart. THIRTY! The man is as old as my grandmother! But they LOVE eachother! Isn't that what really matters? They have a 13-year old daughter, too. So shut up with pedophilia and stuff.
My Reply:
So, since love knows no age and no gender, you wouldn't mind if you found out a grown man (or woman if you're a girl) had [ahem] make love to you while you were a baby? And the grandpa-going-out-with-young-girl scenario isn't exactly news... But at least in that case the woman is a grown adult, unlike Serena, who's still in junior high. The age difference is much more significant when one partner is not fully mature. Once people reach adulthood they're all pretty much the same, if you know what I mean.
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