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Erotic Postcard:
I was probably sent this because of the Anti-Sailor Moon site... If you wanna read it, it's there for "90 days" as of May 8 2001...
From: Junny Claus
Subject: You have received postcard
You have received a greeting card from Lady Claus
You`ll see the personal greeting by using the following
web location
Your greeting card will be available for the next 90 days.
There is no charge for this service. Have fun!
My Reply:
Yeah, like I'm gonna look at a card located at "eroca.f2s.com"...
But thanks for thinking of *me* as you browse through porno sites.
Okay, I couldn't resist. Yeah, I looked. But I disabled the pics on my browser. I HATE PORN! Anyways, the card says:
Dear, You!!!
[some picture]
I Want Be With You!
love, Janny
I really don't know what to make of this... Is this even a flame? This is weird. I think I'll go hide in my "isolation corner" for a while to think this through.
Oh Well...Guess You Haven't Many Visits, Have You?
My Reply:
I think I will answer this in a poem;
Look at my tracker
And you shall see,
All of the people
That come to me.
Thank you, thank you! *bows*
I am Inconssideret:
i think that normally,if you don't like something,you should tell others how you feel,but some things that you said on this site are just not true.I like sailor moon and will continue liking it.As I type,my friends and i are plotting against you.If you have a problem with something,dont make a site about it,TELL IT TO SOMEONE WHO CARES!!!IN ALL MY LIFE I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING SO RUDE(aside from some boys i know...)!!!SO UNLESS YOU WANT MY FRIENDS AND I TO DO SOMETHING DRASTIC,STOP IT!!!YOU ARE THE MEANEST,MOST INCONSSIDERET PERSON I HAVE EVER MET,SEEN OR JUST HEARD OF.
My Reply:
God forbid you and your "friends" should do something drastic.
How do I do it?:
My Reply:
Perponal... I perponal do think of what's on this page... I think... What're you talking about?
Not Their "Stile:"
your site is not my stile, or as a stupid boy in my class would say" Im not down with that" like a gorilla
My Reply:
Like a gorilla, hear me roar
Through the trees, watch me soar
Over branches, under vines
Up to the very top I climb
Once I'm there, I sit a while
Then decide it's not my style
I will complain to God above
Who created this here tree with love
Tell him that I hate his work
Explain to him that he's a jerk
Once I say it, there's a strike
A fearsome bolt of yellow light
Burning up my darkest sin,
Crushing my body from within
To Earth my sad soul bids farewell,
As I hurtle down to H*ll.
[aka the Pit of Eternal Flames!]
P.S. You betcher this ain't your stile! Built this here stile m'self, ah did!
'Nother How:
Oh My God!!!! How can u not like SAILOR MOON?????? I'm upsest with it. one question.....why did u all of a sudden stop liking Sailor Moon???
Watch, one day your going to start liking Sailor Moon again!!
My Reply:
Answer: Have you read anything on my site?
That's not true what you said about Sailormoon!
Signed: Heather Brown AGE:13-14
My Reply:
You must be really special for your age to be "13-14."
you should just go to hell!!!!!
a nameless but concerned person
My Reply:
You're already there...
This is a reply-back to this flame. ("I am Inconssideret")
oooooo,the pit of eternal flames i'm so scared.....it's me again the one with the friends.by that comment,were you implying that i have no friends?
p.s.everything you do is just making us plan harder and harder!!!!
My Reply:
A word of advice; if you don't get the joke, at least pretend you do. And keep up the hard work...
Another one:
This is a reply from the flame above, the second reply-back to this flame. ("I am Inconssideret")
!!it's me for the third time.I'M GETTING REALLY ANGRY!!!!!!as we speak,i am talking to one of my MANY friends planning how to take you down.....the last word she said to me before i started typing was "take no prisoners!!!" he he he....you're in for a real treat,and i don't mean the yummy kind of treat!!!!!!
let me guess,next you're gonna start dissing cardcaptors,or digimon,or even worse,dragon ball z!!!!well i won't take it!!!!you must be stopped!!!!!oh,and i'm really not afraid of your pit of eternal flames!!!!
it's just a stupid page with a bunch of letters and replys.you think people are really gonna be scared?well,think again!!!
once again,signed,kim
p.s.learn how to spell inconsiderate
My Reply:
My "Pit of Eternal Flames" wasn't meant to scare you... I sure hope your "plans" aren't either...
And before commenting on my spelling of "inconsiderate," perhaps you should read the flame you wrote...
Frick Me:
You know what, why bother writing a frickin page on how much you hate Sailor Moon? Ya maybe Sailor Moon, R, S, and SuperS aren't that good, but have you considered the Sailor Stars? Now that season has to do nothing with what you said.
There's only one thing I agree with... the Mamoru(Darien) thing. I mean. Who uses roses? Wouldn't the rose just bend with it hits the enemy? God it's so annoying... anyway moving on....
The theme song, isn't that good either. But the japenese theme song Moonlight Densetsu is the best theme song I ever heard.
Okay I'm done. Just wanted to get all that crap out of my head. Cya!
Oh, one more thing... what's all this... SAVE ALL THE MOONIES!!
Yours Hatefully,
My Reply:
Awww... Does somebody need to be saved?
And yes, I know I'm a goddess, or even several. Thank you for reminding me.
Enemy of Poké-Fans:
errr... you denounce sailormoon, and i'm with yah, but have you seen any of the original? i mean, come on! you have a POKEMON email address. that's just plain s-a-d.
My Reply:
Yes, I have seen the original... What Pokémon e-mail address? (miewth = not a Pokemon, unless it's one a' those funky new ones... Or unless it makes you think of "Meowth..." That was unintended.)
F-- Me:
This is actually two separate messages, just in case you wanted to know...
I HOPE YOU GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
My Reply:
Come back soon, dearie! I don't think I can wait any longer...
Deep Questions:
From: "circe"
Subject: no swear words attatched
Excuse me, but if you think sailor moon is so stupid, why do you spend all your time coming up with reasons you hate it and then spend the time making an extensive page to tell us all why. If sailor moon bothers you so much, maybe you should spend a little less time obsessing over it and go find something more positive to do.
~ CM
My Reply:
Criticising Sailor Moon is positive, if you look at it the right way...
Do I Now?:
The following flame was in huge, red "arial" print.
From: "missy"
Subject: You suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All and all you are by far the stupidest, lazy ass, son of a bitch! You have absolutely no taste in anime! Sailor moon doesn't suck (I bet you do in other ways!) Only assholes spend their time lowering the quality of anime. If its Britney Spears I can understand that.
Dare to change my mind? I do not watch Sailor Moon anymore so don't ask.
My Reply:
Well, Missy, since you're talking about "taste" and "quality," yet use language like "lazy ass son of a bitch," I think I will ignore you (to a further extent than I normally would).
From: EveStar4
Subject: Sailormoon
I don't usually do this on Anti-Sailormoon sites...but if you knew how to
draw manga, that is how it would be drawn. You need to take a little thing
known as "proportion" into consideration. Maybe there are better
artists...but Ms. Takaeuchi started when she was in her teens. Another thing:
The name Bunny is very suitable. After all, it is only a nickname given to
her. I am also called Bunny. I don't see me getting laughed at! Sorry if this
e-mail seems pointless...but there are things you should take into
consideration...like the fact that manga can be drawn as fancy of wacky as
you want! I think I've said my 2 cents worth. Ja mata
My Reply:
Um hum, well I don't understand that first bit about manga, but... Of course mange (oops, manga) can be drawn however you want. I, personally, enjoy using stick figures. Of course, my stick figure manga sucks, just like Tekoocheese's...
This site is really cheesy. If u hate sailor moon, why dont you really make up good reasons to?
My Reply:
And for what good reason are the reasons I already have not good enough?
Standing Up for Serena's Well-Being:
I am a SailorMoon fan and I believe everything you have said about SailorMoon is totally cruel!!!!!
And I know tons of people who would agree!
My Reply:
Cruel... Aww, I'm sorry "SailorMoon," let me give you a hug so you'll feel all better... Wait, I can't hug you, you're a cartoon show!
Unbacked Accusation:
"Sailor Moon is a kid's show in Japan. I'll bet there's hardly anthing taken out"
You are an idiot.
My Reply:
Well, as opposed to an idiot who gives reasons for their idiotic statements, you are an idiot who gives no reasons.
Their Reply (in the "long flames" section, 'cause it's long and cranky)
Short n' Sweet:
yo suck
My Reply:
No, I'd rather not.
fuck you and a bag of chips
My Reply:
Whoa, chips too? What a deal!
'Nother Porn-Card:
From: love_nataly
To: xxx@giga.net
Cc: xxx@jumpy.it, xxx@chaiyo.com, xxx@softhome.net, xxx@hotmail.com, xxx@netian.com, xxx@azarniro.net, xxx@YAHOO.COM.HK, xxx@terra.com.br, miewth@excite.com, xxx@yahoo.com
Subject: You have received postcard
You have received a greeting card.
You`ll see the personal greeting by using the following
web location
Your greeting card will be available for the next 90 days.
There is no charge for this service. Have fun!
Dear, Babs!!!
I Want Kiss You!
love, Nataly
My Reply:
Aww, aren't you sweet, sharing the joys of pornography with all your friends?
And Yet Another:
From: Barry Eldridge
GO FUCK YOURSELF BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Reply:
Really now, if you're going to flame someone, you could at least be a little more creative...
Your site is so pointless! The world doesn't need to know what you hate or like!
About why Sailor Moon is evil. That's stupid! I call my dad "dad" and I'm still here! Besides, what are you supposed to call your own dad?
The manga does NOT suck! The artwork is beautiful. You just say it sucks because you're jealous! You know you can't draw that well.
Those other "unacceptable" anime, they rock! And who are you to say what anime are acceptable and unacceptable. Only God could say that. You're going againest something on your own site!
That's just about it. Your site is stupid, pointless, and sucks.
Sailor Bluerose
My Reply:
Um, okay, you pretty much re-stated everyone else's complaints in one e-mail, and obviously haven't read the FAQ or the replies I had for the other flames which were exactly like yours. Way to GO, man!
From: Sparkling Queen Galaxy
I think your site stinks! It's totally useless to waste your time on a site about an anime that you hate! I love Sailor Moon! I also hate your stupid, stinking, guts because you don't like Cardcaptors! I love Cardcaptors even more than I love Sailor Moon! What do you have to say about this, eh? Don't give me some stupid, sarcastic, comeback. Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, you have a LOT more flames than good mail. Why do you think that is, huh? Hmm.. I wonder. Maybe it's because every one else hates you too! You are a good for nothing, worthless, idiot! You don't know how to make a site. Your layouts aren't very neat. I can hardly read all your stuff. When you reply, I hope you don't come up with some dumb comeback. I wonder how you come up with those replies! That's about all I have to say to you.
My Reply:
Why do I have so many flames? Gee, maybe because certain people are so shallow that they'll hate someone based on things such as skin colour, gender, cartoon preference...
[and did they get that name from my nickname generator?]
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