Long Flames
These are the long flames with long replies! Lots of explaining and such...
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A Flame From My Form, Regarding Everything
Okay... I will tell you now I AM A MOONIE AND I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU! i also wonder why you would wast time on what you hate. My lord I HATE the power rangers but I wouldnt wast my time on making them die. I will agree with you on some of the uneceptable anime though, but that isent the point. What if you really really loved a show or somthing a lot. Then so maney people hated it and antied it that it got cancelled. So just for you and all your anti peoples sake you will fight in the name of bad tempers in order to destroy somthing maney people love. There would be a lot of hurt people. It would be all the antis fualt if this happend. So if you hate somthing it means its gotta go so YOU can be happy? Thats all, Thank you for your time.
~Serenity- chan
My (Lenghty!) Reply:
I don't *waste* my time on something I hate. I find it very amusing to work
on my anti-site. Not because I enjoy hating things, just that I enjoy
expressing my hatred. There are so many fun ways of doing it! ^_^ It's a lot
of fun doing things like writing a list of real-life things which are better
than SM, making that 'drowning Serena' applet, etc.
"What if you really really loved a show or somthing a lot. Then so maney
people hated it and antied it that it got cancelled. So just for you and all
your anti peoples sake you will fight in the name of bad tempers in order to
destroy somthing maney people love."
If SO many people hate a show, it's bound to get cancelled. I'd understand
that one or two people who love a show aren't enough to keep it on the air.
However, if most people like a show and only a few people hated it, then the
TV stations wouldn't care. That is the case with Sailor Moon. If it's
cancelled (again! ^_-), it's because the episodes have been rerunned so many
times that everyone's bored of it, not because a couple people made
anti-sites. There's no WAY anti-sites can destroy a big whopper of a show
like Sailor Moon, and we know it. We (or, *I*, I should say, since I don't
actually know any other anti-people) aren't trying to destroy Sailor Moon.
"There would be a lot of hurt people. It would be all the antis fualt if
this happend. So if you hate somthing it means its gotta go so YOU can be
The fact that there would be a lot of hurt people indicates that most people
like the show. It won't be cancelled because of anti-pages. (as I said, a
cancellation would mean that there were so many reruns, the fad wore off and
everyone was tired of it)
And THEIR Reply:
I reicevd your e- mail and have one thing to say. At least I am a fan who does not scream into your ear with cuse words. Also you have way to mutch free time.
And MY Reply Back:
I didn't actually mail this... Yet... Oh well, since they came back to my site (and used the form!) they'll find my lovely reply..!
Um, yeah... Good for you... *pat pat*
I'm very sorry you don't have as much free time as me. Don't be jealous!
A Flame Regarding My Opinions about Dubs...
I'm not sure how flamey this is, but might as well post it! This is different from most flames in that there are some actual arguments. Angry ones. ^_^
Subject: nani?!
First of all, let me start by telling you this. I have watched subtitled anime for four years now, and never once--NOT ONCE--have I had to stop the tape, rewind it, and read the subtitles again, nor has anyone else that i have watched subtitled anime with. Even the idiots that I try to make watch subtitled anime catch every word. Because the subtitles are only put on the screen a few words at a time, it only takes a mentally ill person not to read them in sufficient time. And if you don't watch subtitled, how would you know how much the dubbed is cut?! -eh?-eh?
I cannot describe in words how freaked out I am that you think the voices don't matter. The voices are as importante as the anime itself. Each voice gives each character his style and way of being. A voice can describe what their like. You remember an anime character, and along with that memory, you get their voice. By changing their voice, it's almost exactly like changing their personality. Try taking your favorite female anime character and, in your mind, replace her voice with "Brock's" (from Pocket Monsters) voice. Now, just how pleasant is that????!!!!!!! I would like to also know which anime characters have voices that have squeaky and out of hearing range voices. I also personally wouldn't like it if Slayers, my fav. anime, was aired on tv, and all the character's voices were changed to typical steriotyped American names like Bob or Joe. It's like saying to the creator of the anime, "I'm sorry, American's can't comprehend the name "Gourry," so instead, we're gonna name him Bob, no offense." Come on! Americans aren't that stupid, and if I were the creator of Slayers, I would be pretty pissed!--that's all I have to say ^.^
Jaa matta ne!
My (Very Lengthy!) Reply:
Subject: Re: nani?!
My my, time for a reply... ^_^
I have watched subtitled anime for four years now, and never once--NOT
ONCE--have I had to stop the tape, rewind it, and read the subtitles again,
nor has anyone else that i have watched subtitled anime with.
Have you ever seen Angel Sanctuary? I think I saw the version subbed by
NYAE... Or Shamanic Princess? Those are the ones I'm mainly thinking about
when I say that the subtitles are hard to read fast enough. Those guys talk
SO fast!
And if you don't watch subtitled, how would you know how much the dubbed
is cut?! -eh?-eh?
I DO watch subtitled, that's how I know I don't like them.
Try taking your favorite female anime character and, in your mind, replace
her voice with "Brock's" (from Pocket Monsters) voice. Now, just how
pleasant is that????!!!!!!
Voices can be bad, but the companies are smart enough not to make them
THAT bad. What people call "bad" voices are usually only slightly annoying,
not completely insane like that example.
I would like to also know which anime characters have voices that have
squeaky and out of hearing range voices.
Miaka from Fushigi Yugi. I was startled at first, as this was the first
subbed anime I'd ever seen. Many voices are sqeeky like hers. It seems
normal after watching it for a while, but compared to American
cartoons/TV/real people talking, the voices are incredibly squeeky.
I also personally wouldn't like it if Slayers, my fav. anime, was aired on
tv, and all the character's voices were changed to typical steriotyped
American names like Bob or Joe. It's like saying to the creator of the
anime, "I'm sorry, American's can't comprehend the name "Gourry," so
instead, we're gonna name him Bob, no offense." Come on! Americans aren't
that stupid, and if I were the creator of Slayers, I would be pretty
The name "Gourry" already has an American sound to it. Many Japanese
names do. However, when it comes to the longer names, it makes sense to
change them. Much easier to remember (unless you spend all your time
watching anime, and therefore recognise Japanese names like you do American
ones) Japanese names have different sounds than American names, so it is
easy to confuse characters in Japanese movies. For example, in Pokemon, the
names Satoshi and Kasumi were changed to Misty and Ash. The two English
versions are easier for the general American audience to recognise and
remember. I'm sure anyone who speaks English would be able to remember the
name "Ash" better than the name "Satoshi." Know what I mean? And the change
of names really doesn't affect the show at all.
Also, they usually don't use really common names like "Bob." Taking
Pokemon again... The names are Brock, Ash, Misty, Gary, etc. They are names
that exist but that aren't often heard of.
Not Really a Flame:
...but I just HAD to reply...
I agree with you on some points but what really concerns me is your distaste for subs. Obviously you do not know much about manga and real anime. Now I know you'll probably put me up on your flames but it's time for me to get preach. First of all in case you don't know in the dubs they usually [change?] the dialogue and in some cases by a lot. Also the voices tend to be much worse. also though I am an avid Gundam fan I really don't see where you get your whole it's not very romantic ideas from. The romance in it is what makes the character's so appealing. Anyways I'll leave you with that to think about.
My Reply:
What concerns me about that message, which is otherwise sensible, is how you say 'obviously you do not know much about manga and real anime.' Rather presuming... Now, just because I don't like subs doesn't mean I don't know much about anime. (btw Why wouldn't an anime be 'real?') If you're interested in knowing, one day while I was bored I made up a list of all the anime I'd seen... Almost all of which was subtitled. Many were dubbed, however. I see nothing wrong with their voices. I'll admit I even have a distaste for Japanese voices, especially young girls (can we say 'squeaky?'). Any changes in dialogue, no matter how significant they are, can't be THAT different from the original or else it wouldn't make any sense. And as I've said, if the changes are for censorship reasons, well... Some not-TV anime are very scary, and certainly not censored enough to make a difference.
And if you take any given episode of Gundam Wing, it'll be almost entirely military talk or mobile suit battles. Even hints of romance are very rare indeed.
A Novel:
I just wanted to say that we both have the rights to our own opinions and in that case, I have such comments from myself as well. First of all, this web site that you have done is a total waste of your time. Sure there are many more anti-sailormoon websites out there but there is no point in making one in the first place. Also, about some of the comments in Sailor Moon is rather stupid. Oh yea, before I start, it's Naoko Takeuchi ( it is really amazing how you know so much about Sailor Moon yet don't know the Creator's last name spelling, how odd.) Anyways, as of the darion being a pedophile. It's just a cartoon. As some famous artists say, Anything goes in a cartoon. Wether it may be a pedophile or a rapist or a serial killer, im sure they can put it, and about the age difference between Darion and Serena, Im sure Love is what counts rather than the age. And to show that you are the 1st person I have found that said Darion was a pedophile. To snap out of reality and go into fantasy, Im sure they would not put a pedophile as the guardian of Earth and the future King of Crystal Tokyo. They would not be that sick, and who cares if Darion goes out with Usagi (Serena) Earth and Moon.. Get the hint? Also, the humor is actually excellent and Im sure the people can actually have a good laugh out of crazy humor. It is a cartoon and therefore, there's bound to be humor. Unless you are just jeaous because your life is rather dull and unpleasant which this case, targets the craziest humor and puts your dull comments on it. It's rather a pity. Well, i have a lot more to say but I have one more thing to add on. Why do you bother trying to put an anti site when Sailor Moon has already made a hit, selling videos and merchandises and hitting television screens world wide, becoming one of the best animes out there, for goodness sakes, even better than Pokemon ( no offense Pokefans, i have nothing against it) so there is absolutely no way you can reign the minds of people by putting a puny little site on the internet, its pointless.
PS You like Gundam? Lemme comment on the Duo and Heero flick.. They are obviously hiding something than just partners in battle and robots, Im sure you commenting on pedophiles, shouldn't you comment on homosexuality as well?
My Reply:
Well, it's rather amazing that YOU know so much about the world, yet cannot spell anything, let alone "Darien" (and don't get me started on capitalisation and punctuation...). I was just exaggerating when I called Darien a "pedophile," but even if I wasn't... Sure, everything goes in a cartoon. It's just that some of those "everythings" are sick and stupid.
[I'll just skip the middle part of this flame... It's not worth it.]
Well, why do YOU bother sending me this dumb e-mail when you KNOW I won't delete my site. What? You weren't TRYING to get me to actually delete my site? I'm not trying to destroy Sailor Moon, you know. I realise that I can't. It's just like people who put up anti-child labour sites know they can't actually change the laws of the offending countries with their little website. All they can do is hope...
Oh gosh, not ANOTHER person who thinks there's some secret, yet entirely invisible homosexual relationship between Heero & Duo. Come on, even the director said there wasn't in an interview, and there's absolutely no proof of it. Not even hints, unless you're counting regular displays of friendship. Repeat after me: "Friendship is different than sexual attraction, friendship is different than sexual attraction, friendship..."
And pedophilia is worse than homosexuality. Homosexual whatevers generally take place between two consenting adults, while acts of pedophilia obviously must include a child...
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