The Pit of Eternal Flames

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A Great Suggestion:

Okay, if you hate sailor moon so much then why the hell put up a anit sailor moon thing? Wouldn't you be wasting your time on Sailor moon thing?

My Reply:

What'm I supposed to do? Put up a pro-Sailor Moon site? Talk about wastes of time... Let's go tell all the webmasters of Sailor Moon sites how they're blowing their time...

Expression of Anger:

I am going to write a whole buncha words Haruka-papa taught me!! Fuck Damn Bitch Ass-Hole Faggot

My Reply:

Um... I take it you're mad at me...

Two More from the Same Person (later on):

Haruka papa taught me more!! Fuck you Damn Bitch Faggot Your site Sucks and you're an Asshole and a Jackass.

My favorite part of your site is the self potrait of you in Mangle Mad Moonie. Great job! Looks just as i have imagined you.

My Reply:

My favourite part of your letters was that little self-description in the second sentence of the second post.

Another "Insult:"


My Reply:

Shame on me.

Typical Flame:

From: Jenelle Davies
Subject: Alrighy

Okay I'm Sailor Moon fan. Now before you go delete this message here what I have to say. Now I'm not telling you to delete your website. Your opinion is yours but listen here. You said that they manga sucked. The art "sucks" to you. Then you must be blind. Her artwork is lovely. Do you know how hard it would be to draw all the comics BY HAND, ON A DEADLINE. Thats what bugs me most about your website.

Let me guese. You use to like Sailor Moon. You saw the dudded. Now you don't like it. It doesn't matter how many fansuds you see because not all of them are translated correctly. So unless you have seen the japanese Sailor Moon you'll never know what it really is like.

You say Sailor Moon is a annoying and that it's girly. Well if your a girl I have no idea what to say to you. If your a guy. maybe thats why you don't like it ne?

Anways you say you draw right. Well then you know as well as me how hard it is. You can't tell me it's not hard to draw a page of a manga. Ink it, put details ect. ect.

Your website is pointless. Your javascrips Dumb. Maybe you should make a website to something you like.

Okay I'm not a "Moonie" because I belive thats just stuipid. I love Gundam and DBZ. Your right there is better Anime then Sailor Moon. But still you may offened some sailor Moon fans..

You should just re think something and maybe make a diffrent website on something you like


My Reply:

Just because someone works hard on their manga doesn't mean it's good. And seeing how Naoko is probably up to her ears in cash right now, I don't think she really needs my sympathy for all that drudgery she must go through to pump out her little comics.

Actually, I liked Sailor Moon when I'd seen ONLY the dubbed. I only watched Stars & SS subbed. As I said, I don't see any difference with the dubbed and fansubbed versions. And there's no WAY the translations they use to make fansubs are bad enough to make the entire show as dumb as it is.

Lastly, I am a girl. If you have no idea what to say, don't say it.

A Very Disturbed Person's Letters:
Okay, I put this into a text box to save space, seeing as there are four separate e-mails...

My Reply:

Okay, when someone sends four e-mails in about ten minutes, gives completely nonsensical arguments, and spells "moon" with two u's, you know that something's gone wrong in the boiler room...

And don't you find the phrase 'shoujo-style "drawling"' amusing?


I think your idea is STUPID! Sailor Moon is a good show for you information and I guess you wouldn't know that because your too busy going aginst it!

My Reply:

Making fun of this would be redundant.

Speaking Their Mind:

For you to think that Sailor Moon is so bad and it shouldn't be watched, how do you know so mch about it? I think your a Sailor Moon fan who just wants to hide the truth about how much you like it. The only reason I'm sending you this is because I want to speak my mind! I'm not trying to start fights, but I want to speak for what I believe!

My Reply:

Wow, you've nailed me... I love Sailor Moon SOOO much... That's why I made a hate site, because my love for the show is SO *strong*... You should be a psychologist when you grow up.

Oh no...

I looked at your image gallery and all of the pictures were stupid

-Neo princess Saturn chan

My Reply:

Must I repeat myself? Of course, I always have to repeat myself to these people... I did not make the pictures. Go whine to a tree about them for all the reaction you'll get.

On a side note, "Neo princess Saturn chan" sounds like it came straight from my nickname-generator. Is that a joke? Doubt it, knowing Moonies.

I've Been Caught:

I read your section on why you like dubbed anime and I don't think you know, but Sailor Moon is Dubbed! Caught in your own words!:-D

My Reply:

Um, what I meant was that I like dubbing as opposed to subbing. That doesn't mean I like Sailor Moon just because it's dubbed...

A Formal Letter:

dear whomever you are,

first of all, i don't have anything against you, until the day i saw your website. don't you think the things you placed in your website are a little too harsh? it's not your fault you hate sailormoon, i don't blame you for that. but i just can't tolerate the part when you stated that otakus who support sailormoon are wasting their time. you're a smart person. but as much as i don't want to say it, you're stupid too. bakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! and insensitive. because there are a million other people out there who love sailormoon. so there!!!!!!!!!!

good night and good fight.
rei masaki

ps. if you hate it so much. why did you continue watching it in the first place? how's that you so-and-so?

My Reply:

Gosh, I just don't know what to say. My tongue is frozen by your witty comments.

Spanish is Clever:


My Reply:

Oh yeah, I am SO intimidated by your use of spanish... Is it just me, or is it annoying when people try to be clever by using foreign languages?
(yeah I can read Spanish, but there's nothing interesting in this flame. Just says that Sailor Moon was the first anime in america, it's good, I've got problems, etc.)

Three's a Crowd:
All three were sent together. Not the fact that the third is ALMOST the same as the second, but not quite...

You are very mean to Sailor Moon and the other charaters you buthead and stupid jerk.Anyways Sarena is the bomb!

Oh, yeah your a stupid jerk, buthead, dumbnum you evil brat!Oh, go a head tell your mom I don't care anyways you don't know my address you buthead.

Oh, yeah your a stupid jerk, buthead, dumbnum you evil brat!Oh, go ahead tell your mom I don't care anyways you don't know my address you buthead. I really hate you.

My Reply:

Mean to Sailor Moon? So cruel am I.
The funny thing is that they can't spell "butthead."


From: Sailor Saturn
Subject: what do you have to say about THIS flame EH?

Your website is a waste of space on the Internet and all your doing is wasting your time. If you have this much time to make this website, then your one teen that has too much time on ones hands. Do something else productive and just stop your pouting. I'm not going to start cursing and then look stupid, so don't expect me to give you any pleasure in this flame. Your such a shameful child, your parents must look down on you. You act like you're an omniscient person. Why don't you run along now and go do your homework. So you would be at least a little close to it eh? Well the point is, your anti stuff is making you look like a misanthropist. I stand for all Moonies when I say; we all wish a malediction on you! MWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Your bellicose behavior is going to get you nowhere. You and your amorphous mind don't deserve a place on this earth.

I and other moonies on this planet well never forgive your mother for giving birth to you!!!!!! MWHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

Sailor Saturn

My Reply:
You know, you don't have to curse to sound stupid.


I love sailormoon, and you shoul read the manga who is totally diff fron the anime. And the pictures are really stupid. Only putting text on a pictures. I could do vbetter anti-images :P By the way serena is 14 and darien 18 so its not pedophilie ( I know I study it)

My Reply:

I am very sorry that you prefer lots of pictures to words. And perhaps you should study English instead of pedophilia, you would learn about a certain rhetorical device called "exaggeration."

Two Messages:

sorry but i don't speak english very well because i'm french!! ok u don't love sailor moon!! but have you read the manga of sailor moon???? because it's magnificent!!!!!!!! and nothing have with the anime!!!!!! and your coments, you can keep then!!ok????

oh, in fact, you are very supid!!!!!!!!

My Reply:

I hate to compliment my flamers, but you don't have to bother excusing your imperfect English. I never would have noticed, for it seems that most native English speakers who send flames have much worse grammar and spelling than you do. Look above, below, all around... Sca~ary...

Two Separate Messages:

your a idiot. i can't stand people who anit got no taste.

sailor moon is da bomb why can't you relise that?And if your to stupid to relise that,don't force your stupidity on others with this stupid web page.

My Reply:

You ain't soundin' like no genius neither.

This is about five separate messages, each paragraph break is the beginning of a new post. Note the fact that that enormous first paragraph is about one sentence long...

My Reply:

You are the reason asylums exist. FIND ONE NOW.

Fight Pickin':

You asshole who do you think you are I can't belive how much of a asshole you are. Sailor Moon is one of the best shows. Oh by the way E-mail me back my E-mail address is ([removed]

My Reply:

If you want a real fight, try throwing rocks at people.

I am Wrong Because:

i think your wrong to say that because not all of them are the same there arethe ones with serina and darien you know love and don't think that i am obsessed with it because i'm not i think its just mean!

My Reply:

Anyone who can figure what "all of them" reffers to...

An Insult:

YOU SUCK CHICKEN BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JACKASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Reply:

Doesn't everyone?

Attempted Threat:


My Reply:

How about, if *you* don't release Caps Lock, I'll come over and rip that stupid button right off your keyboard.

Yet Another "You Suck:"


My Reply:

Dream on, dream on...

A Deep Question:


My Reply:

If you hate my site so much, why did you help me with it by adding to my flames page?


Your site is realy stupid and realy dump like Sailor Moon!

My Reply:

Sailor Moon is "dump" all right!

I Can't Title This:

Lets must be about 12 right? Yes, I can tell because you cant handle things like japanese culture or subtitles. Also, you have not done your homework. Almost all of the information of this page is wrong. Over 10 episodes have been cut and many, many others have been majorly altered when showed in the US. If you are over 12, I will be absolutely shocked and a little frightened, too.

My Reply:

Almost all my information is wrong? You mean, Tuxedo Mask does not always save the Sailor Scouts? Serena is not a whiny crybaby? They do not wear skimpy clothes? My my, I must be watching the wrong show.

And actually I'm 15. I really don't know what you're talking about when you say I "cant handle things like japanese culture of subtitles," so I'll just dismiss that comment as "another attempted yet unbacked insult."

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