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Flame: A letter that is ANGRY!
Mwa ha ha! Another BRAVE soul has ventured into the realm of the burning, where dead flames are put safely away... MWA HA HA! Feel free to send another flame hurtling down here, anytime... MWHEH HEH HEH!
Now, onto the FLAMES... in approximate chronological order (new flames on last page)! Not all of my flames go here, some of them are calm & collected... They go to the Flamer's Purgatory Pit. Also, some I just was too lazy to put here! Nya!
I've stopped actually mailing replies to my flames, too much of a headache! I just post my replies here now. Way easier. Probably gives the flamers a false sense of victory, too. ^_^
And just in case you're wondering, most of the e-mail I get is positive, from mature, sensible people. Cheers to you all! ^_^
Flames collected since late March, 2001
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Warning! Bad language ahead!
I'm serious... These are not censored...
From: KaiLua Kawaii M
I hate your stupid Anti-SailorMoon Site, it's totally
stupid for people like you to put on stupid and
immature things like that an a site which could have
been used for a good cause! But instead you rather put
on something so Bitchy! I hate your site! I hate
people like you with an anti-SM site! Fuck you people!
I am a SailorMoon Fanatic, and you come here with an
Anti-SailorMoon site, fuck you! I like and adore
SailorMoon, your a stupid piece of shit, and I hate it
when people like you don't even have one bit of
reasons why people like you should put up a dumb ass
site such as yours! You know what I bet you just
wanted attention, cause your a fool! FUCK-OFF with
your stupid Anti-SailorMoon Site! your site is a bunch
of crap! FUCK YOU BITCH!
My Reply:
Wouldn't Serena be upset to hear all those words? Tut tut now...
No reply in return...
THE SILVER MILLENIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Reply:
Help me. I'm an enemy of the all-powerful SILVER MILLENUIM! God save my poor unfortunate soul!
...I think this flame says the rest for itself.
Big Mistake:
Subject: prick!!!
hey you cheesedick fag! i saw your idiotic site of antisailormoon and i
think it's bullshit! of coarse a fag like you would rather see men sweat and
fight like in gundum then pretty girls defend the world so dont' give me
that shit that sailor moon sucks! another thing, don't you think gundum is
even more unoriginal, big robots fighting stupidly but that's not why you
watch it, right? it's because of that blond fag that's on the show who you'd
like to play buttdarts with, go fuck him prick homo!
My Reply:
The fact that I'm a girl pretty much renders that flame meaningless. And a guy who watches shoujo is soooo manly...
A Nice, Entirely Pointless Little Flame:
email: not telling you i am not a moonie but i stand up for whats right
i think you should leave the sailor scouts alone you ^&^*&^*^$%^*&$ AHH I FEEL A LITTLE BETTER LIKE I SAID LEAVE SAILOR SCOUTS ALONE YOU SON OF A B%#&^
My Reply:
Q: What's the difference between a Moonie and someone who viciously defends the Sailor Scouts?
A: About three IQ points. Gotta love Garfield!
Q: WHY should I leave the Sailor Scouts alone?
A: To do 'what's right?' Gosh, I didn't know how utterly wrong I was being, picking on Sailor Moon like that. Shame on me. *smack* *smack*
At least they had the sense to censor themselves.
An Anonymous Flame (From my Form)
Another stupid boring excuse for a website,complete with Tacky wallpaper, dumb java-script,useless(not mention Meaningless)rants of silly show.
My Reply:
Another disgruntled Moonie, complete with silly little flames coming out of it's mouth...
Another Anonymous Flame
You're a sorry bitch.
My Reply:
How perceptive of you.
*Complaint about Anti-Sites:
What's up with people like oyu making anti-web sites? It's the most stupidest thing people have come up with. I mean come on.I may not like Sailor Moon like I used to and I really don't care what people say about it, but thats just ridiculous. It doesn't hurt me anymore, but I really hope that you know you're hurting other people when they find this. Any Anti-sites actually. There's no since in wasting your computer up on a dumb site like this. I mean it's nice for an anti-site and very organized, but stay it's pathetic.But htat's my opinion and also many many others. So why do you put yourself in places where you don't belong. If oyu don't like the show no one cares. Get it?
My Reply:
*deep sigh* Where to begin? I dunno. Maybe I should go back where I belong, since my computer's being wasted away by the minute. And I'm so sorry you don't care in the slightest. Even though your message *does* seem to suggest otherwise, you said yourself that you don't care, so obviously it must be true.
So I'm hurting people when they find this... Aw, now I feel awful. I wonder how many suicides my site has caused so far. [wheeeeeeeeooooooowwwww*smack*] Whoops! There goes another one flying down past my window... I'm glad it's not my job to mow the lawn.
Another Totally Pointless One:
you suck
My Reply:
~sigh~ Wishful thinking?
Complaint about my Reasons:
Hello? Your reasons on not to like Sailormoon is pretty lame. How do you think would little children understand it well if Sailormoon is complicated and everything. And this anime is supposed to teach children. And the tuxedo mask thingy...it has a moral reason in it. No matter how failed you are there's always someone to help you. And the Darien and Bunny love story. Age doesn't matter or haven't you heard that. Anything goes to love no matter how young or old the person is. And the enemies, I praise Naoko Takeuchi for them because of her imagination. If you don't like Sailormoon I'm not forcing you but I just want to say my part because you're the one who needs to be saved.
My Reply:
"Anything goes to love no matter how young or old the person is?" I think we have another Humbert Humbert among us! Excuse me while I hastily leave the room.
The tuxedo mask thing... If you'd like to talk 'moral reasons,' doesn't this teach people to rely on others? And the fact that Tuxedo Mask always has to save the scouts... Doesn't that show that girls are so 'failed' that they need some guy to get them out of all their messes?
And please, save me!
General Whining:
email: Fuckyouantisailormoon!@sailormoonlovers.com
(Yes, they actually wrote that!)
You know what? You need to keep your damn "anti sailor moon" comments to your self. If you hate Sailor Moon so much, then why did you make a whole fricken site about her and how you hate her. You don't have to brag about it. And those stupid little pictures you and your lesbian friend made are destruction of a copy righted picture. You can get fined seriously for that. And I like Sailor Moon, and it gets me really pissed off when bitches like you do this. So keep your little demonic views to your self! Stupid Bitchy Ass Whole!! Oh, and the whole Gundam Wing pics are really really stupid. And they aren't even robots you damn whore.
My Reply:
(1) No, I would not be fined. My 'destruction of a copy righted picture' has no affect whatsoever on the company who owns Sailor Moon. No damages, no point in pursuing me. They'd only be wasting their money. And besides, what about the sites that distribute these 'copyrighted' images in the first place?
(2) So, the Gundams aren't robots. Really... I mean, if you want to get picky, sure, they aren't robots because they're controlled by pilots. But really, no one cares. In general they seem robotic. The point of having them on this site is because they *look* like robots.
(3) You're 'really pissed off?' Gee, I couldn't tell.
(4) And regarding the rest of the e-mail... Oh gosh where's my Asprin...
Hate Note:
I hate you! Not because I like Sailor Moon (it is rather bad), I LOVE DRAGONBALL, DRAGONBALL Z and DRAGONBALL GT.
My Reply:
In case you didn't read my 'unacceptable' page correctly, I also love Dragonball Z, Dragonball the manga, Dragonball GT, etc. The only one I didn't like was the Dragonball TV series, which, due to extreme censorship, really really stinks compared to the original manga.
An "Insult:"
My Reply:
You'd probably be a lot more intimidating if you could spell your swears.
A Guestbook Entry from my GUNDAM WING site:
Please, use the form on my Sailor Moon site, this has nothing to do with Gundam Wing...
Name: |
Serina (And YES that is my real name) |
E-mail address: |
Nonya |
What's on your mind?: |
You are really stupid. Your whole little 'anti sailor moon' thing is really dumb. Keep your thoughts to your self! |
Best manga on this site: |
Sailor Moon!!! |
Who/what do you hate the most?: |
YOU!!!! |
Why do you sign guestbooks?: |
I normally don't, but I made an acception! |
Do you consider yourself attractive?: |
Yes, very. =^_^= |
Who should *die*?: |
You |
What would YOU do with a gazillion dollars?: |
Put a deadly virus on your stupid computer, run down your dumb sites and personally affect your whole family's bank account, so you would be broke down and livin on the streets of a Ghetto in New Orleans! |
My Reply:
"Keep my thoughts to myself," eh?
This is the sort of scary person everyone's glad not to meet...
Complaint About my Evil Section:
OH MY GOSH... ok i dont like sm that much, i dont like it a little, but you went way too far... then to mess up what the bible had said? what's this:
And call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your father, which is in heaven.
Serena calls her dad "dad." In the manga, at least. (I dunno if I've ever seen her father in the anime...)
OF COURSE SHE CALLS HER DAD "DAD"... DON'T YOU?! That is soo stupid... of course she's seen her father in the anime, he's there all the time in smR. then to say naoko's art sucks...CAN YOU DRAW THAT WELL? you have to respect it, she got famous, didn't she? are you famous? no... sm is not evil, and to preach things yuo dont understand is wrong. do you know what the word "fiction" means. sure it can be annoying but can't naoko do what she wants, without being made fun of. im telling you this because what you're doing is NOT right at all.
-thunder child-
My Reply:
Okay, they what's this: "Please don't take me seriously, this is just for fun. I am not a bible scholar [...]"
Do you know what the word "joke" means?
And regarding Naoko... No, I am not famous. Naoko is. And so is Jack the Ripper. So are Lizzy Borden and Mark Chapman. If I went into a crowded mall in Toronto, stood up on a table, yelled "No, Mr. Hand! Stop!" while shooting randomly into the crowd, I could be famous too.
And I am not expected to draw better than Naoko. I am a 15 year old highschool girl. Naoko is an adult, published cartoonist. If you compare her to other people in her league, such as Akira Toriyama, Rumiko Takahashi, Hiroshi Aro, Yuzo Takada, and on the American side, people like Todd McFarlane and J. Scott Campbell... Well, no comparison.
Yeah, you're right, Naoko can do whatever the heck she pleases. So can I. And I choose to make fun of Naoko.
Subject: Idiota
"And 14 little girl who don't like sm or other
dumb anime" Don't watch the anime puta.
My Reply:
Actually I'm 15 but that's beside the point.
Well, lessee... If this e-mail was carefully paraphrased, it would probably say "Subject: Idiot... You are 14 and a girl. You don't like some anime. If you don't like the anime don't watch them whore."
Suuuuuuure... Of course, it's not as if I can tell what I like and what I don't before watching. And it takes a few episodes to discover I don't like something. Then I DO stop watching. As I said on my main page, I've seen lots of Sailor Moon because I used to like it.
And if that's not what you meant, then go take a grammar class cretino.
A Good Solid Nothing:
I think you are the stupidestpage ive ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^
My Reply:
Well, I'm very sorry to be a stupidpage. Incidentally, I think you are a stupidperson.
Is that too blunt? I'm feeling sick right now...
From: Usagi Tsukino
Subject: your website
It's fine that you don't like sailor moon... you have a right to your own opinion, but why do you have to go around hurting other peoples feelings about it?
My Reply:
I only hurt the feelings of those who *choose* to visit my page, titled "Anti Sailor Moon, the PAGE!" If people's feelings are easily hurt, no one's forcing them to go to my site and read my Anti-SM stuff... I mean, if you saw a link to a page called "Hot Hardcore Hentai [plus more adjectives...]," would you click it? Sorry, bad example...
Another Againt the Evil Page:
Hey, question, pal. On your little "Why Sailor Moon is evil" page, you need to get some facts straight. Uhm, especially under the Christianity one. The Bible is not to be taken so literally. Meaning, if we argue with siblings, we are not going to Hell. And the one about loving the Moon Kingdom more than God is weak. And all Moonies are not *evil*. That's a generalization that should not be used if you're trying to be convincing. ^_^ Bye for now!
My Reply:
Of course all moonies are evil... crazy people can't take a joke when it even says it's a joke right at the top of the stupid page... grumble grumble...
Sub Lover:
There is nothing wrong w/ Sailor Moon.
if you want to conplain about an Anime Conplain about DBZ.
My Reply:
Yeah, I know, I mean, all those little words at the bottom of the screen combined with incomprehensible Japanese babble really add to the plot...
Oh yeah and DBZ kicks Bunny-butt!
An Oh-So-Awful Insult:
ur stupid,ur reasons stupid too
My Reply:
Am I now? i think u need go grammer school poindexter
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